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Five Tips for Getting Back into Drumming

Returning to an instrument after a long period away is a really exciting prospect, but can also be a little intimidating. So we've put together five tips to put the sticks in your hands and get you back behind the kit sooner rather than later.

Roland V-Drums in a room

Tip 1: Consider E-Drums

Choosing an electronic kit will give you more time on the kit each day. Compared to acoustic drums, electronic drums are house trained, and these days have come so far, you don't need to miss anything from their acoustic cousins. Being able to put on the headphones and play full blast along to your favourite music any time of the day without disturbing your family means you'll progress much quicker than you ever imagined.

Scrabble tiles spelling the word Practice

Tip 2: A Little Each Day

A little bit of playing each day is more effective than once each weekend. Even five minutes per day is the best way to get your body and mind back into drumming.

Creating a regular time for practice each day is ideal for creating a healthy routine but if you can't, just getting on the kick and picking up those sticks every day is the key.

Smiling drummer

Tip 3: Enjoy the Process

Always try to make your playing session fun. Put on your favourite music and try to jam along. Even with the most difficult drum parts, you will find a simplified thing you can play. Break it down to kick and both hands on the snare if need be. Just make it through.

Paradiddles and double strokes and all the other rudiments that form the drumming vocabulary can follow once you are comfortable and having fun again.

Glasses and pen lying on musical notation

Tip 4: Talk to a Teacher

These days there are so many resources for finding a teacher and learning the drums so it's easier than ever to restart your drumming from home without ever needing to step outside. Many teachers are experienced in remote learning and will likely have flexible ways of helping you.

A teacher can help as an expert sounding board to ask advice and keep you on track and you can often dip in and out of lessons with different teachers to get a wealth of different ideas.

Person using Macbook

Tip 5: Connect

Drummers are a very sociable bunch and most often very enthusiastic about sharing their experiences, custom kit creations, and music. So reach out to the drumming community, whether online in forums and social media or in person.

Hearing someone else playing and talking passionately about drums can teach, inspire, and make you feel part of the wider musical world.

Alesis Electronic Drum Kit

The Lowdown on Electric Drums

Electronic drums have come a long way in the past 10 or so years! Technology has bought the playing experience more into line with a traditional acoustic kit, while maintaining all the benefits and versatility that made electronic kits so appealing in the first place. Now days choices range from a kit with full rubber pads all the way to fully hybrid kits (see Roland's Acoustic Design range) that blend the much loved presence of acoustic drums with the perks of digital.

Many electronic kits feature low noise, mesh drum heads that give very natural rebound and natural trigger response, meaning you can use all the typical acoustic drumming techniques. Compared to acoustic drums, mesh heads last many times longer and you can even adjust the rebound feel of the drum without affecting the sound you hear.

A lot of electronic drum kits also allow expansion for adding more cymbals and toms too and because the surfaces are rubber, broken sticks are a thing of the past. No breakages mean almost no ongoing costs. Depending on the kit you choose, double kick pedals and conventional hi-hat stands to be used so you can create the ultimate drum kit to match your drum hero.

As mentioned earlier, electronic kits facilitate the use of headphones, expanding your practice window significantly during the day and especially at night! They also allow your practice sessions to be as private as you want them to be, meaning you won't have to be so self conscious when you don't nail that Keith Moon style fill on the first attempt.

At Mannys, we love to talk drums so shop our range online or get in touch and let us help you get back into drumming today!

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